There are certain conditions in which ejaculation occurs but it takes long time (delayed ejaculation). Retarded ejaculation is a disorder where the male wants to ejaculate but is unable to do so. It was believed to be a rare condition but we frequently come across patients suffering from this disorder. Sex therapists in USA and Europe have also noted an increase in its incidence. Individuals complaining of retarded ejaculation get aroused; have a normal erection, which persists, but cannot ejaculate in the vagina, though eagerly desiring orgasmic release. But sometimes they can easily ejaculate during masturbation or oral coitus with a partner. The causes of retarded ejaculation are some hormonal disorders, drugs, C.N.S. abnormalities & psychiatric illnesses.
The impotent male is unable to achieve an erection while the male with retarded ejaculation cannot come, although his erection is normal. In severe cases of retarded ejaculation, the extreme frustration of being unable to experience orgasm makes such men dislike intercourse and resort to masturbation alone for orgasmic release. One would think that the female partner would welcome the delayed orgasmic response of the male, but it is not so, she considers it a rejection of herself.
Absent ejaculation in which patient does not gets orgasm & semen discharge even after prolong sexual activity
In which patient gets orgasm at normal time but semen in place of coming out through penile opening goes into bladder. |